 Jessa Dickson standing!

Keep up with what is going on with the families. Here you can read about the latest news and happenings with the familes.

May 2004 Greg will be climbing Mt. Whitney on June 14th with three friends. Both he and Diana will be finishing up graduate degrees very soon. Greg will be attending The American School for the Classics in Athens next year. He leaves the US in middle to late August, just after the Olympics are over. When he returns, he'll be attending UC Berkeley for his doctorate.
May 31 2004 Pete will be celebrating his 67th birthday on May 31, 2004. Remember to wish him a Happy Birthday!
March 2004 Stella Elizabeth and Jillian Pearl was born on February 26th, 2004 to Kip and Kent Dickson. Stella weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces, and Jillian tipped the scales at 7 pounds 1 ounce. Mom welcomed them by exclaiming something to the effect of, "oh, thank heavens they're out!"

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