Raspberry Dessert

1st Mixture
2 cups flour
1 ½ cup brown sugar
1 cup butter
½ cup chopped nuts (optional)
Spread on cookie sheet and bake at 350° for no longer than 15 minutes. Set aside and cool.

2nd Mixture
2 envelopes of Dream Whip (follow directions on the package.)
2 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Add in cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla to Dream Whip mixture. Beat with electric mixer for 2 minutes and then chill.
3rd Mixture
1 pkg. Danish Dessert Raspberry or 1 jar of Strawberry Glaze.
Mix glaze with 2 packages of frozen raspberries partially thawed.

How To Cook
1. Crumble ½ of 1st mixture into a 9" by 13" pan.
2. Spoon in the second mixture and level.
3. Then spoon on the 3rd mixture and finally crumble the rest of mixture one on top.
4. Refrigerate over night.